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. 2020 Apr 29;18(4):e06091. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6091

Table 16.

Systematic review of the histamine (HI) production of the microbial hazards selected for the assessment, in fish and fishery products stored within the temperature range −3°C to 7°C

Hazard Temperature Matrix Hazard considered (if not already defined at species level) Maximum time in which histamine production is not observed First/last time point in which histamine production is reported Characterisation of the growth or of survival (no change or reduction) a Reference
Enterobacter spp. a 4°C Sailfish E. aerogenes a [Klebsiella aerogenes] 1 day/4 days

No change at 1 day;

~ 0.5 log10 increase at 4 days

63 ppm at 4 days

Tsai et al. (2005)
4°C Milkfish E. aerogenes a [Klebsiella aerogenes] 1 day/4 days

No change at 1 day;

~ 0.5 log10 increase at 4 days

96 ppm at 4 days

Tsai et al. (2005)
Morganella spp. 4 ± 1°C Mackerel M. morganii 1 day/8 days

~ 1 log10 increase at 1 day;

~ 2 log10 increase at 2 days until 6 days

~ 900 ppm increase HI at 1 day;

~ 1,200 ppm increase HI at 2 days;

~ 500 ppm increase HI at 8 days

Aytac et al. ( 2000 )
2.1°C Tuna M. psychrotolerans

Time to 100 ppm HI: 6.3 days;

time to 500 ppm HI: 8.4 days;

time to 1000 ppm HI: 10.8 days

Emborg and Dalgaard ( 2008 )
5°C Tuna juice M. psychrotolerans

Time to 100 ppm HI: 9.1 day;

Time to 500 ppm HI: 9.5 days;

time to 1,000 ppm HI: 11.2 days

Emborg and Dalgaard ( 2008 )
Photobacterium spp. 0°C Garfish P. phosphoreum 12 days 18 days/20 days

No change at 3 days;

~ 2 log10 increase at 6 days;

~ 7 log10 increase at 20 days

~ 20 ppm increase HI at 18 days;

~ 25 ppm increase HI at 20 days

Dalgaard et al. ( 2006 )
4°C Swordfish P. iliopiscarum 3 days 5 days/7 days ~ 2 log10 increase at 3 days;~ 4 log10 increase at 5 days until 7 days~ 350 ppm increase HI at 5 days;~ 1750 ppm increase HI at 7 days Torido et al. ( 2012 )
4°C Swordfish P. phosphoreum 3 days 5 days/7 days

~ 3 log10 increase at 3 days;

~ 4 log10 increase at 5 days until 7 days

~ 400 ppm increase HI at 5 days;

~ 870 ppm increase HI at 7 days

Torido et al. ( 2012 )
5°C Garfish P. phosphoreum 7 days/13 days

~ 2 log10 increase at 3 days;

~ 7 log10 increase at 5 days until 13 days

~ 200 ppm increase HI at 7 days;

~ 1,200 ppm increase HI at 13 days

Dalgaard et al. ( 2006 )

HI: histamine.


In the column are reported the observations at the first time point in which growth/survival is reported, at the time points relevant for the assessment, and the last observation time point included in the study. Numbers followed by ‘day’ indicate the day of observation (i.e. 2 days = 2nd day of observation; 2 days until 6 days = from the 2nd day to the 6th day of observation). ‘~’ is used for data not provided as punctual numbers (e.g. pictures, graphs); for these data, numbers are expressed by increments of 0.5 log10.

For consistency among information sources, Enterobacter spp. where considered according to the standing classification at the time of publishing of the screened articles. Currently, E. aerogenes is a homotypic synonym for Klebsiella aerogenes (Hormaeche and Edwards, 1960; Tindall et al., 2017).