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. 2020 Jun 8;18(6):e06119. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6119

Table K.10.

PECsw (μg/L) and PECsed (μg/kg) obtained for pesticides A and F in all FOCUS sw scenarios based on the current and the new assessment approach following a single ground spray application of 1 kg/ha in winter cereals at emergence (BBCH 09)

FOCUS scenario Waterbody Pesticide A Pesticide F
Current approach (FOCUS 2001)a New approach Current approach (FOCUS 2001)a New approach
PECsw (μg/L) PECsed (μg/kg) Temp. perc. PECsw (μg/L) PECsed (μg/kg) PECsw (μg/L) PECsed (μg/kg) Temp. perc. PECsw (μg/L) PECsed (μg/kg)
D1 Ditch 9.17 1.71 47.5th 25.2 16.8 13.3 36.1 47.5th 10.1 206
57.5th 29.7 21.5 57.5th 12.9 219
67.5th 42.3 30.8 67.5th 14.4 222
77.5th 47.4 32.6 77.5th 16.6 238
87.5th 91.8 59.2 87.5th 17.1 260
Stream 7.00 1.44 47.5th 21.3 11.1 8.61 21.6 47.5th 6.68 120
57.5th 25.4 15.2 57.5th 8.44 123
67.5th 27.0 20.7 67.5th 10.0 131
77.5th 36.5 22.8 77.5th 10.5 139
87.5th 60.3 40.1 87.5th 10.9 150
D2 Ditch 90.1 7.90 47.5th 63.3 37.5 26.3 38.2 47.5th 21.6 132
57.5th 100 40.0 57.5th 24.3 137
67.5th 126 51.7 67.5th 26.5 166
77.5th 155 63.5 77.5th 27.8 207
87.5th 160 66.2 87.5th 31.4 218
Stream 59.3 4.66 47.5th 49.2 22.7 16.4 20.1 47.5th 13.5 66.0
57.5th 65.2 27.9 57.5th 15.2 70.4
67.5th 82.6 32.0 67.5th 16.5 90.8
77.5th 105 37.4 77.5th 17.6 113
87.5th 114 39.0 87.5th 19.7 119
D3 Ditch 6.88 0.590 47.5th 6.85 3.05 6.32 2.38 47.5th 6.35 16.9
57.5th 7.01 3.09 57.5th 6.36 18.1
67.5th 7.13 3.18 67.5th 6.36 20.1
77.5th 7.23 3.20 77.5th 6.37 22.4
87.5th 7.28 3.39 87.5th 6.37 22.7
D4 Pond 0.219 0.020 47.5th 0.219 0.094 0.641 2.18 47.5th 0.219 1.99
57.5th 0.219 0.095 57.5th 0.219 2.08
67.5th 0.219 0.099 67.5th 0.219 3.29
77.5th 0.219 0.101 77.5th 0.267 5.47
87.5th 0.219 0.103 87.5th 0.412 7.36
Stream 5.48 0.237 47.5th 5.48 1.19 5.48 1.39 47.5th 5.48 4.88
57.5th 5.48 1.19 57.5th 5.48 4.88
67.5th 5.48 1.19 67.5th 5.48 4.88
77.5th 5.48 1.20 77.5th 5.48 4.89
87.5th 5.48 1.20 87.5th 5.48 5.20
D5 Pond 0.766 0.200 47.5th 0.314 0.282 0.382 1.06 47.5th 0.219 2.28
57.5th 0.543 0.415 57.5th 0.220 2.34
67.5th 0.822 0.615 67.5th 0.230 2.84
77.5th 1.32 0.911 77.5th 0.270 3.55
87.5th 2.31 1.58 87.5th 0.300 6.39
Stream 5.91 0.297 47.5th 5.92 1.49 5.91 1.32 47.5th 5.91 6.55
57.5th 5.92 1.61 57.5th 5.91 6.57
67.5th 5.92 2.15 67.5th 5.91 6.58
77.5th 5.92 3.04 77.5th 5.91 6.59
87.5th 14.12 6.69 87.5th 5.91 6.59
D6 Ditch 9.84 1.07 47.5th 6.40 2.84 19.9 9.64 47.5th 9.53 39.8
57.5th 6.69 3.40 57.5th 11.9 44.2
67.5th 8.48 4.23 67.5th 15.1 51.9
77.5th 24.6 11.5 77.5th 17.9 60.3
87.5th 65.0 27.2 87.5th 26.1 75.4
R1 Pond 0.307 0.054 47.5th 0.219 0.120 0.819 2.39 47.5th 0.583 8.61
57.5th 0.268 0.163 57.5th 0.839 12.9
67.5th 0.302 0.173 67.5th 0.883 13.0
77.5th 0.372 0.217 77.5th 1.16 18.9
87.5th 0.728 0.418 87.5th 1.55 20.8
Stream 25.8 1.61 47.5th 5.52 1.60 9.45 3.06 47.5th 8.57 16.2
57.5th 24.5 7.58 57.5th 8.71 18.0
67.5th 29.6 8.50 67.5th 9.18 19.4
77.5th 32.9 9.64 77.5th 9.83 25.3
87.5th 50.7 13.8 87.5th 10.5 29.4
R3 Stream 49.8 3.75 47.5th 5.91 1.48 12.1 115 47.5th 10.2 21.3
57.5th 6.67 2.33 57.5th 10.3 24.7
67.5th 14.5 4.74 67.5th 10.5 32.0
77.5th 35.5 11.3 77.5th 11.0 36.9
87.5th 54.1 19.4 87.5th 11.3 44.1
R4 Stream 4.19 0.163 47.5th 6.96 2.70 9.52 4.19 47.5th 12.4 41.3
57.5th 16.9 8.34 57.5th 13.8 44.6
67.5th 19.9 9.34 67.5th 13.9 53.1
77.5th 28.8 12.4 77.5th 14.6 72.9
87.5th 53.2 16.6 87.5th 18.1 84.0

Start of application window (31 days) set to 15 days before emergence.