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. 2020 Aug 17;2020:2123652. doi: 10.1155/2020/2123652

Table 2.

Latrine ownership and its characteristics among households in rural villages of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 756).

Characteristics Frequency (%)
Household owned latrine
Yes 270 (35.7)
No 486 (64.3)
Latrine type
Pit latrine with wood and mud floor 174 (64)
Pit latrine with slab floor 94 (34.8)
Ventilated improved pit latrine 2 (0.7)
Latrine location
Inside the compound 177 (65.6)
Outside the compound 93 (34.4)
Latrine distance from the house compound
<50 meters 245 (90.7)
≥50 meters 25 (9.3)
Latrine utilization
Yes 228 (84.4)
No 42 (15.6)
Household members utilized latrine
Only adults 33 (12.2)
Only children 2 (0.7)
Both adults and children 235 (87.1)
Hand washing practice after latrine use
Yes 15 (5.6)
No 255 (94.4)
Latrine with hand washing facility
Yes 40 (14.8)
No 230 (85.2)
Households knew latrine importance
Yes 670 (88.6)
No 86 (11.4)
Reasons for not constructing latrine
Lack of money 51 (6.7)
Lack of space 36 (4.8)
Demolished latrines 520 (68.8)
Lack of awareness 53 (7)
Others 96 (12.7)
Households having information on latrine
Yes 549 (72.6)
No 207 (27.4)
Source of information
Health extension workers 277 (50.5)
Radio 130 (23.7)
Women development armies 116 (21.1)
Others 26 (4.7)
Possess radio
Yes 470 (62.2)
No 286 (37.8)