Fig. 1.
Expression of NPTXR in GC cell lines and effect of NPTXR knockdown, knockout, or overexpression on cell phenotypes. a qRT-PCR analysis of NPTXR, MAP 1B, MMP9, and NUDT13 mRNA in the indicated human GC cell lines. b CCK-8 proliferation assay of parental and NPTXR-knockdown (KD, siRNA-mediated) MKN1, N87, and NUGC3 cells. c-f CCK-8 proliferation assay c, wound healing migration assay d, Matrigel invasion assay, e and in vivo tumorigenicity f of parental and NPTXR-KD (shRNA-mediated) MKN1 cells. g qRT-PCR analysis and CCK-8 proliferation assay of control and NPTXR-overexpressing NUGC3 cells. *P < 0.05. Mean ± standard deviation