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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Polit Econ. 2020 Apr;128(4):1474–1522. doi: 10.1086/705415

Table 6:

Inheritances and Parental Education

Dep. Var: Log Wealth [1] [2] [3] [4]
EA Score 0.070*** (0.023) 0.064*** (0.022) 0.062*** (0.023) 0.058** (0.023)
Any Inheritance −1.042*** (0.172) −0.990*** (0.171)
Log Total Inheritance 0.121*** (0.016) 0.116*** (0.016)
Father Education (Male) 0.009 (0.007) 0.007 (0.007)
Father Education (Female) 0.021*** (0.007) 0.019*** (0.007)
Mother Education (Male) 0.014* (0.007) 0.010 (0.007)
Mother Education (Female) −0.009 (0.007) −0.012 (0.007)
Obs. 5621 5621 5621 5621
R2 0.435 0.456 0.442 0.461
Standard Controls X X X X
Principal Comp. X X X X
Years of Educ. X X X X
Full Educ. Controls X X X X

Notes: This table presents estimates from regressions of log household wealth on average household EA score and varying sets of controls. Column [1] includes the full set of controls from Column [5] of Table 4. Column [2] includes an indicator for ever receiving an inheritance in the HRS, as well as the log of received inheritances (set to 0 for those without an inheritance). Column [3] includes controls for parents’ years of education, along with separate dummy variables indicating missing values for each of the four parental education variables. Column [4] includes both the inheritance variables and the parental education variables. Significance stars ***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at the 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10 levels, respectively. Standard errors are clustered at the family level.