Extended Data Fig. 1. TFH differentiation is not the default pathway.
Related to Fig. 1.
a, Schematic diagram of a mutually antagonistic relationship of Bcl-6 and Blimp-1. UCSC browser tracks from BCL-6 ChIP-seq and Blimp-1 ChIP-seq were indicated below.
b, A null hypothesis of a default TFH differentiation pathway model.
c, SMARTA CD4 T cells were transferred to C57BL/6 host mice, followed by immunization of the host mice with KLH-gp61 in alum only, alum + LPS, alum + Poly(I:C), or alum + cGAMP adjuvants, and analyzed 7 days later. Representative flow cytometry of TFH and non-TFH SMARTA cell subsets from draining LNs (dLNs) of KLH-gp61 immunized mice. Two independent experiments were performed; each dot represents one mouse (n = 4). Data are mean ± s.d., unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test.
d, Quantification of results from Fig.1b.
e, Schematic of the SMARTA cell transfer system used for LCMVArm infection. WT, Bcl6f/f, Prdm1f/f, and Bcl6f/fPrdm1f/f CreCD4 SMARTA CD4+ T cells were transferred to C57BL/6 host mice, followed by infection of the host mice with LCMVArm, and analyzed 7 days later.
f, Representative flow cytometry of GC-TFH, TFH and non-TFH SMARTA cell subsets from spleens of LCMVArm infected mice in Extended Data Fig.1c. Three independent experiments were performed; each dot represents one mouse (n = 4). Data are mean ± s.d., unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test.
g, Quantification of results from Extended Data Fig.1f.
h, Representative histology section to define GC, B cell zone, T cell zone, and T-B border. T-B border was defined as ±15 μm region at a boundary line of T cell zone and B cell zone. Scale bar, 200 μm. Related to Fig.1g.
i, Histology of draining LNs at d8 after KLH-gp61 immunization in Fig. 1d. Blue, TCRβ; red, GL7; green, IgD; white, CD45.1 SMARTA. SMARTA cells were presented with large dots for clarity. Scale bar, 200 μm. Related to Fig.1g.