A) Western blot and total protein gels for yeast carrying a the genomic copy of SSA4 tagged with a FLAG tag heat stressed with and without ionophore treatment, as described in Growth Conditions in the Materials and methods section. Samples were taken 1 hr after stress. (
B) Induction of Ssa4 during recovery from normal (red) or pH-manipulated (gray, pH 6.8) stress. Thin curves are individual experiments and thick curves are smoothed conditional means (see Materials and methods for details). The red curve is the same data from
Figure 1D for comparison. Although pH manipulation causes a delay in Ssa4 production, it does not affect the ultimate level of induction. (
C) Growth rate difference in cells treated with ionophore for 35 min at room temperature followed by return to ambient growth conditions. Competitor was untreated cells. The values cluster around zero, indicating little to no loss of fitness due to ionophore treatment. Bottom dashed line shows theoretical minimum of the growth rate difference, which would result if cells completely arrested growth. These data are the same as those in
Figure 6B, light-colored points. (
D) Comparison of Ssa4-mCherry induction in ionophore treated cells that were either heat stressed (left) or held at room temperature (right). Acidification artificially induced by ionophore treatment does not cause appreciable accumulation of stress protein.