Fig. 2.
Zemax evaluation of system imaging performance. (a) Theoretical SR variation as a function of MEMS mirror MSAs in both x- (red) and y-directions (blue). DLP of SR at the objective back aperture and the system optimisation result of SR for all MSAs along both scan directions are indicated with horizontal lines. (b) Diffraction encircled energy versus radius from centroid in milliradians for different MSAs. Black curve is shown for DLP. Solid black line marks of the total energy. Magnified plot highlights radius values at which the diffraction encircled energy reach of the total energy for DLP and all other MSAs. (c) Huygens PSF profiles across a half FOV for both x- and y-scans. Intensity is individually normalised and displayed on a logarithmic scale. Scale bar: 200 milliradians.