Fig. 2.
The tracheole length grows as the optic lobe volume increases during larval development. Tracheolar trees of the optic lobe were reconstructed in brains stained with Calcofluor and anti-Discs large (not shown) at 12 h intervals from 24 to 96 h ALH. Dashed lines indicate the brain hemisphere and its corresponding optic lobe (identified by morphological landmarks visualised by anti-Discs large staining). Both the optic lobe (A–G) and its tracheoles (A–F,H) grow continuously along larval life. Analysis of the ratio of total tracheolar length in the optic lobe and optic lobe volume showed a decline in the proportion of optic lobe tracheolation (I). Scale bars: 20 µm for panels A–C, 50 µm for panels D–F. *P<0.05, **P<0.001, Mann–Whitney Wilcoxon test. ns., non-significant; ALH, after larval hatching; CB, central brain. Sample sizes for time points from 24 h to 96 h ALH, n=4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, respectively.