Fig. 4. Performance and application of rotation-type CSA-S-TENG.
a 3D structural schematic of the rotary device. Insets 1 and 2 respectively depict the top-view schematics and device photographs of stator and rotator part. Scale bar: 1 cm. b Short-circuit charge (Qsc), short-circuit current (Isc) and open-circuit voltage (Voc) of rotary CSA-S-TENG at 0.5 Hz working speed. c Transferred charge and current of rotary CSA-S-TENG at different rotational speed. d Matching impendence and output power evaluation of rotary CSA-S-TENG at 1 Hz working speed. e Voltage curves of charging 100 μF, 470 μF and 1 mF capacitor using rotary CSA-S-TENG at 1 Hz speed. f Directly driving 912 LEDs at 60 rpm. g Charging 22 μF capacitor while powering a scientific calculator at 110 rpm. h Charging 470 μF capacitor while powering a hydro-thermometer at 120 rpm.