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. 2020 Aug 6:1–8. doi: 10.1017/ice.2020.406

Table 2.

Topic Clusters Identified by Topic Modelinga

Possible Topic Label Tweets/Topic Mean Sentiment Mean Subjectivity Words Contributing to Topic Model (in Decreasing Order of Weight) Representative Tweet
Public opinions and values 88,993 0.07 0.43 see, say, right, good, want, life, even, back, away, someone, many, cant, never, could, practice, give, stop, feel, way, mean “Another month of #SocialDistancing I already dread looking at the tweets. Since I already feel Millennials are going to be conveniently blamed for this. Everytime something stupid happens, it’s always millennials faults. #ugh”
Media and entertainment 71,589 0.21 0.39 watch, video, new, game, today, fun, join, book, read, play, share, virtual, friend, zoom, week, kid, show, see, check, online “We had a surprise 25th virtual #zoom #birthday party for my daughter @[tag] this past weekend. Her friends and family sent a 10 sec birthday video message and we created a video birthday card. SO GREAT & made this #SocialDistancing birthday fun, special & memorable [link]”
Quarantine measures and effects 65,229 0.07 0.35 lockdown, pandemic, virus, death, spread, number, test, covidー, country, corona, new, government, say, follow, state, day, india, april, police, report “As each area reaches the peak in positive #SARSCoV2 cases, the peak deaths follow around 3 to 4 weeks later as the illness sets in and takes its’ toll on the weak. If we #stayathome we do our part to flatten the spread, reduce the illness and reduce the death. #Socialdistancing [link]”
Thank healthcare and reduce spread 64,488 0.21 0.38 thank, together, staysafe, stay_safe, safe, help, maintain, practice, everyone, health, fight, washyourhands, healthy, family, flattenthecurve, follow, pandemic, protect “A token of appreciation and respect to all colleagues in #publichealth and Medicine especially those at the frontlines fighting #COVID2019 risking their lives for our safety on this #WorldHealthDay2020. Best way of showing gratitude is to #StayAtHome and help contain the pandemic”
Community support and businesses 56,117 0.18 0.39 help, new, way, use, tip, learn, practice, support, connect, team, community, check, online, call, business, share, contact, great, important, find “Due to COVID-19 #socialdistancing recommendations, our office is temporarily closed. General reception phone line remains open. You can also reach our representatives through the online contact form. Please check our website regularly for further updates: [link]”
Activities 53,947 0.15 0.37 walk, today, day, run, park, exercise, morning, outside, practice, weekend, around, good, house, dog, great, workout, nice, eat, car, coffee “Another Lush Evenings Walk with Hubby walking off our Roast Beef Dinner … Bitter cold wind but a lovely stroll in the fresh air …. 1 Exercise a day Now chilled with a Cuppa #walking #SocialDistancing #DailyExercise [link]”
Quarantine and isolation 51,725 0.09 0.34 quarantine, day, lockdown, quarantinelife, selfisolation, isolation, week, corona, covidー, new, cat, pandemic, selfquarantine, today, lol, feel, staysafe, month, mom “Is it just me or did it feel like the month of March lasted a year? Ready to turn the calendar to a new month. #coronavirus #pandemic #ShelterInPlace #SocialDistancing I’m ready to wake up from this nightmare.”
Spring and good sentiments 45,850 0.26 0.41 day, love, beautiful, staysafe, happy, light, today, spring, enjoy, nature, dog, good, hope, photo, smile, walk, april, sunday, lockdown, good_morning “@[tag] @[tag] Hi and Good morning share-[name], Thanks, I wish you a magic Wednesday filled with happiness, love, joy, peace, laughs and fun. Enjoy every moment with family and friends. #TakeCare #BeSafe #StayAtHome”
Supplies, food, and orders 41,087 0.084 0.34 order, mask, essential, shop, close, store, food, open, practice, delivery, local, state, use, help, wear, line, buy, grocery, park, customer “@[tag] @[tag] @[tag] @[tag] @[tag] @[tag] @[tag] @[tag] #Stayathome limits the spread of #coronavirus #PoorPeople and low income Seniors at higher risk, stand in long store lines to buy food. #SNAP #WIC #EBT cards can’t be used to shop online. #Help correct this. [link]”
Music and media sharing 35,878 0.21 0.33 coronalockdown_coronavirus, listen, music, click_link, via, artist, check, great, enjoy, dont_forget, enjoy_friend, song, great_artist, listen_rotation, discover_great, great_unsigned, art, dance, draw, sing “My new single is NOW FOR SALE on iTUNES!! #newmusicalert #newmusic #chillout #2020music #electronic #electronicmusic #spotify #itunes #applemusic #streaming #corona #coronavirus #socialdistancing #producer #unsignedartist [link]”

Words contributing to the model are shown in decreasing order of weighting. The topics are labeled manually based on these words. The number of tweets primarily with that topic, mean sentiment, mean subjectivity, and sample tweet are also included.