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. 2020 Aug 27;61:63–70. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.08.018

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies examining awake prone positioning in non-intubated patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure due to COVID-19.

Author Study Type N Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Setting Oxygen Delivery Mode Prone Positioning Protocol Study Outcome Duration of Follow-up Duration of Prone Positioning Supine Oxygenation and Resp Rate (if available)
mean (SD), median [IQR]
Prone Position Oxygenation and Resp Rate (if available) mean (SD), median [IQR] Intubation Rate, No. (%) Adverse Event Reporting
Coppo (2020) PC 56 Age 18–75, confirmed COVID-19, hypoxemia consent Pregnant, uncollaborative, altered mental status, NYHA < II, increased BNP, COPD on home NIV or O2, impending intubation Non-ICU Medical units, ED, ICU Helmet CPAP, Reservoir mask, Venturi mask Assisted proning, encouraged to maintain x 3 h, Repeat up to 8 h/d PaO2:FiO2 Hospital discharge Median 3 h [3, 4]
Up to 7 sessions.
PaO2:FiO2 180.5 (76.6)
RR 24.5 (5.5)
PaO2:FiO2 285.5 (112.9)
RR 24.5 (6.9)
18/56 (32) 9% discomfort
4% worsening oxygenation
2% coughing
5 deaths (9%)
Golestani-Eraghi (2020) PC 10 COVID-19, not mech ventilated, PaO2:FiO2 < 150 Not reported ICU Helmet NIV 2 h sessions Not reported Not reported Mean 9 h PaO2 46.3 (5.2) PaO2 62.5 (4.6) 2/10 (20%) None reported
2 deaths (20%)
Moghadam (2020) PC 10 COVID-19, not mech ventilated Not reported Non-ICU Medical unit Not reported Not reported SpO2, RR, auxiliary muscle use Hospital discharge Not reported SpO2 86% (0.7) SpO2 96% (2.2) 0/10 (0) Not reported
Elharrar (2020) PC 24 Hypoxemia, CT chest with COVID-19 and posterior lesions Requiring intubation, altered consciousness Non-ICU Medical unit NP, facemask, HFNC Single episode, no goal duration Proportion of patients with PaO2 increase ≥20%from supine to PP 10 days 17% <1 h
21% 1–3 h
63% >3 h
PaO2 72.8 (14.2) PaO2 91 (27.3)
25% had ≥20% increase PaO2
5/24 (20.8) 42% backpain
17% tolerated <1 h
17% required intubation within 72 h
Ng (2020) PC 10 Hypoxemia Drowsy, uncooper-ative, ophthalmic or cervical pathology, pregnancy, hemodyn-amic instability, FiO2 > 0.5 Non-ICU Medical unit NP, HFNC, or Venturi mask 1 h sessions, 5 sessions/d
spaced 3 h apart. Continued until on RA x 24 h
Not reported Median 8 days (range 2–19) Median total duration 21 h (range 2–58) SpO2 91.5 (range 88–95) Not reported 1/10 (10) Discomfort, nausea, vomiting reported
1 death (10%)
Retucci (2020) PC 26 COVID-19, spontane-ous breathing, GCS = 15, PaO2:FiO2 < 250 after 48 h Helmet CPAP Requiring intubation, GCS < 15, SBP < 90, SpO2 < 90% on FiO2 > 0.8 ICU Helmet CPAP Prone/lateral positioning based on CXR or CT scan, 1 h sessions.
39 sessions:
12 prone, 27 lateral
Successful trial, defined as all 4 of:
1. decrease A-aO2 gradient ≥20%, 2. equal or reduced RR, 3. equal or reduced dyspnea
4. SBP ≥ 90 mmHg
Not reported 1 h PaO2:FiO2 182.9 (43)
A-aO2 207.1 [160.7–251.3]
RR 23.7 (4.7)
PaO2:FiO2 220 (64.5)
A-aO2 184.3 [141.4–246.8]
RR 23.1 (4.5)
7/26 (27) 39% of trials did not meet primary outcome.
25% of prone position trials failed
40% of lateral position trials failed
8% did not tolerate (both in lateral position)
5% discomfort
3% SBP < 90 mmHg
8% increased RR
2 deaths (8%)
Sartini (2020) PC 15 Hypoxemia (SpO2 < 94%), FiO2 > 0.6 and CPAP 10 cm H2O Non-ICU Medical Unit NIV Not reported PaO2:FiO2, RR, patient comfort with NIV 14 days Median 3 h (IQR 1–6) PaO2:FiO2 58–117**
Supine RR: 21–31**
PaO2:FiO2 114–122**
PP: 18–27**
1/15 (6.6) 1 death (7%)
Thompson (2020) PC 29 Confirmed COVID-19, Severe hypoxemia (RR > 30 and SpO2 < 93% on 6 L O2 by NP and 15 L by NRB Altered mental status, inability to turn without help, immediate intubation needed, mild hypoxemia. Step-down unit (interme-diate) NP or NRB Repeated episodes, up to 24 h per day, use a pillow under hips/pelvis. Change in SpO2 at 1 h Up to 49 days or to hospital discharge Median 4 h (range 1–24) in not-intubated group, Median 6 h (range 1–24) in intubated group.
SpO2 65–95%** SpO2 90–100%**
Median SpO2 improvement 7% [4.6–9.4]
16/29 (55) 13% refused
3 deaths (10%)
Tu (2020) PC 9 COVID-19 confirmed, HFNC >2 days, PaO2:FiO2 < 150 Not reported HFNC Repeated episodes, as long as tolerated SpO2
Hospital discharge, mean LOS 28 (10) d Median 2 h [1–4] per session, median 5 [3–8] sessions SpO2 90% (2)
PaO2 69 (10)
SpO2 96% (3)
PaO2 108 (14)
2/9 (22) None reported
1 intubated patient required ECMO
0 deaths (0%)
Caputo (2020) PC 50 Hypoxemia (SpO2 < 90%) NIV use, DNR order ED NP or facemask Not reported SpO2 5 min after PP, intubation rate within 24 h 3 days Not reported SpO2 84% [75–90] SpO2 94% [90–95] 13/50 (26.0) 22% required intubation within 60 min
Zhang (2020) PC 23 COVID-19, Hypoxemia (SpO2 < 90%), Age 18–80, consent Need for intubation, inability to self position, basal lung disease, unstable spine, high ICP, severe burns, abdo surgery, abdo HTN, cranial injury, tracheotomy, immuno-suppresion, pregnant, imminent death. Not reported NP, HFNC, NIV Evaluated muscle strength first, self position prone, 1-2 h sessions 3–4 times/day for 5 days. Vitals measured at 10 min and 30 min in PP SpO2, RR, ROX 90 days Median 9 h [8–22] SpO2 91.1 (1.5), RR 28.2 (3.1)
ROX 3.35 (0.46)
SpO2 95.5 (1.7)
RR 24.9 (1.8)
ROX 3.96 (0.45)
8/23 (35) 10 deaths (43%)
Bastoni (2020) RC 10 Receiving helmet NIV, awake & able to prone Need for rapid intubation & ICU, End-stage comorbid disease ED Helmet CPAP 10–20 cmH2O Nurse assisted, Morphine infusion for sedation. PaO2:FiO2, Lung US signs Hospital discharge 1 h PaO2:FiO2 68 (5) PaO2:FiO2 97 (8)
No change in lung US findings
6/10 (60) 40% did not tolerate or refused.
4 deaths (40%)
Burton-Papp (2020) RC 20 COVID-19, Hypoxemia, received CPAP or NIV ICU CPAP or NIV Not described ΔP/F Hospital discharge Median 3 [2]
Median 5 cycles per patient [6.25]
ΔPaO2/FiO2 + 28.7 [95%CI 18.7–38.6]
ΔRR −0.98 [95%CI -2-0.04]
7/20 (35) None reported
2 intubated patients required ECMO
0 deaths
Cohen (2020) RC 2 52 Female
40 Male
Non-ICU Medical unit HFNC, NP Self-prone as long as possible Discharge from unit 2–4 h per day Patient 1. SpO2 90% on HFNC FiO2 1.0, RR 45
Patient 2. SpO2 92% on 4 L
Patient 1. SpO2 100% on HFNC FiO2 1.0, RR 25
Patinet 2. SpO2 96% on 2 L
0/2 (0) None reported
Damarla (2020) RC 10 Confirmed COVID-19, rapidly increasing O2 requiring ICU Requiring intubation ICU NP or HFNC Alternate prone/supine every 2 h, supervised first episode SpO2, RR at 1 h 28 d 2 h SpO2 94% [91–95]
RR 31 [28–39]
SpO2 98 [97–99]
RR 22 [18–25]
2/10 (20) None
0 deaths
Despres (2020) RC 6 COVID-19, PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 300 Requiring intubation ICU NP, HFNC As long as tolerated PaO2:FiO2 Not reported Median 2 h [1–7] PaO2:FiO2 183 [144–212] PaO2:FiO2 168 [156–225] 3/6 (50%) Not reported
Dong (2020) RC 25 COVID-19, Severe disease (RR ≥ 30, SpO2 ≤ 93% or PaO2:FiO2 〈300), or critical disease (Requiring ventilation, shock, organ failure) Excluded patients who received PP but rapidly improved or who did not tolerate first session. ICU NP, Mask, HFNC, NIV Daily session >4 h, nurse instructions, lateral positioning if PP not tolerated Survival, intubation, PaO2:FiO2 Hospital discharge Mean 4.9 h (SD 3.1) PaO2:FiO2 194 [164–252]
RR 27 [26–30]
PaO2:FiO2 348 [288–390]
RR 22 [20−22]
0/25 16% Sternal pain
4% Scrotal pain
4% Lumbago
4% Pruritis
0 deaths
Froelich (2020) RC 3 Confirmed COVID-19 Not reported NP. Face Mask, HFNC Varied positions, supine, lateral, prone, ergonomic prone. SpO2 Not reported <30 min Patient 1. SpO2 94% on 4 L
Patient 2. SpO2 95% on 6 L
Patient 3. SpO2 91% on 15 L
Patient 1. SpO2 97% on 4 L
Patient 2. SpO2 97% on 6 L
Patient 3. SpO2 95% on 15 L (lateral position only)
0/3 (0) 33% Hip and back pain
33% Inability to maintain prone position due to jaw dislocation
Huang (2020) RC 3 SpO2 < 92% on ≥6 L or PaO2:FiO2 < 200, bilateral opacities, RR < 30 Accessory muscle use, Contraindic-ations (cervical instability, pregnancy) Not reported HFNC, Venturi mask Four 2 h sessions daily PaO2:FiO2 Up to 6 days Not reported Patient 1. PaO2:FiO2 84.8
Patient 2. PaO2:FiO2 160
Patient 3. PaO2:FiO2 60.6
Patient 1. PaO2:FiO2 114
Patient 2. PaO2:FiO2 169
Patient 3. PaO2:FiO2 133
1/3 (33) Not reported
Paul (2020) RC 2 42 Male
35 Male
ICU HFNC, NIV Not reported Hospital discharge 2–3 h sessions, over 3 days Patient 1. SpO2 92% on FiO2 0.7
Patient 2. FiO2 0.8
Patient 1. SpO2 98% on FiO2 0.5
Patient 2. FiO2 0.4
0/2 (0) Anxiety and discomfort in both patients
Ripoll-Gallardo (2020) RC 13 PaO2:FiO2 < 150 Requiring intubation, hemodyn-amic instability, multiorgan failure Non-ICU Medical unit Helmet CPAP Encouraged as long as possible PaO2:FiO2 Hospital discharge Mean 2.4 h (SD 0.87) PaO2:FiO2 113 [108–121] PaO2:FiO2 138 [126–178] 9/13 (69) No complications
7 deaths (54%)
Solverson (2020) RC 17 Suspected or confirmed COVID-19, ICU consult, Hypoxemia (5 L to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%), at least 1 prone session ICU, non-ICU medical ward NP, HFNC Encouraged as long as possible SpO2
Hospital discharge 35% < 1 h
Median 75 min (range 30–480), Median 2 sessions (range 1–6) per day
SpO2 91% (range 84–95)
RR 28 (range 18–38)
SpO2:FiO2 152 (range 97–233)
SpO2 98% (range 92–100)
RR 22 (range 15–33)
SpO2:FiO2 165 (range 106–248)
7/17 (41) 47% pain/discomfort
6% delirium
2 deaths (12%)
Sztajnbok (2020) RC 2 43 Male
37 Male
ICU NRB Encouraged as long as possible ICU discharge 8–10 h, single sessions Patient 1. SpO2 100% on 10 L, RR 30
Patient 2. SpO2 94% on 10 L, RR 28
Patient 1. Decreased to 5 L
Patient 2. SpO2 96% on 3 L, RR 22
0/2 (0) Not reported
Xu (2020) RC 10 COVID-19 confirmed, Not reported Target 16 h/d, target SpO2 > 90% PaO2:FiO2 Hospital discharge, mean LOS 17.7 d 4–6 h sessions PaO2:FiO2 89–228 PaO2:FiO2 200–325** on day 3 of PP 0/10 (0) 0 deaths
Cascella (2020) CR 1 54 Male
Received tocilizumab
Not reported NIV 3 sessions per day PaO2:FiO2 Hospital discharge Mean 90 min per session PaO2:FiO2 150 PaO2:FiO2 300 0/1 (0) Not reported
Vibert (2020) CR 1 23 Female
ICU HFNC and NIV Not reported Hospital discharge 2 h periods SpO2 89%, FiO2 0.6, 60 L/min SpO2 96%, FiO2 0.6, 60 L/min 0/1 (0) No adverse patient or fetal events
Elkattawy (2020) CR 1 36 Male Hypoxemia Non-ICU Medical unit NP Not reported 1 day >12 h per day SpO2 94%, 4 L/min NP SpO2 95%, room air 0/1 (0) Not reported
Slessarev (2020) CR 1 68 Male Hypoxemia ICU HFNC Not reported 4 days 16–18 h per day PaO2:FiO2 100** PaO2:FiO2 250** 0/1 (0) 1 Nosebleed
Whittemore (2020) CR 1 60 Male Hypoxemia ICU NRB Not reported SpO2 Hospital discharge >18 h per day SpO2 82% on 12 L NRB SpO2 94% on 12 L NRB 0/1 Not reported

* High flow nasal cannula success/failure, ** Range, estimated from a figure. Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CR, case report; CT, computed tomography; DNR, do not resuscitate; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ED, emergency department; FiO2, fraction of inhaled oxygen; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; HFNC, high-flow nasal cannula; HFPV, high-frequency percussive ventilation; HTN, hypertension; ICP, intracranial pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; NP, nasal prongs; NRB, non-rebreather face mask; NYHA, New York Heart Association; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; PC, prospective cohort; PP, prone position; RC, retrospective cohort; RA, room air; ROX, ROX index = SpO2/FiO2 x 1/respiratory rate; RR, respiratory rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD, standard deviation; SpO2, oxygen saturation; US, ultrasound.