Hand off
Location of visit
Hospital course
Etiology of PE
Explain coagulopathic state associated with COVID-19
Ensure up to date age-specific cancer screening
For women, depending on age: mammogram, pap smear, and colonoscopy
For men, depending on age: colonoscopy and discuss utility of checking PSA with PCP
Consider thrombophilia testing only in patients who had VTE in unusual sites, recurrent VTE, or strong family history of VTE AND results will change management for patient or impact family member
Through shared decision-making with the patient, decide on type, dose, and duration
Discuss side effects of medication
Address costs and insurance coverage
Emphasize importance of adherence and encourage compliance
Point out any special considerations with the medications (ie, need to take with food)
Adjunctive therapies
Abnormal findings
Complications: evaluation and management
Be aware of any signs or symptoms suggestive of PTSD or postthrombotic syndrome and provide treatment
Ask about persistent dyspnea on exertion and, if present, investigate for post-PE syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, chronic PEs, or CTEPH
COVID-19/PE registry