Fig. 1.
Summary of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and proteomic analyses of tissue from the inferior horn of the lateral ventricles in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, their aged-matched controls and nonagenarian controls. a Table shows identified total number of quantified spectra, peptide spectrum matches, non-redundant master protein groups, number of master protein groups identified in 50% of all plexes and used for analyses. b Venn diagram shows significantly regulated proteins in the comparisons between AD patients, their aged-matched controls and nonagenarian controls. Green (α) represents nonagenarians vs AD; Yellow (β) represents controls vs nonagenarians; Blue (δ) represents AD-controls vs AD. c Table shows gene IDs (obtained via the PanglaoDB database) associated with specific cell types identified from our proteomics study of the lateral ventricle. d and e Pie Charts show cell types with significant changes in proteins/genes associated with those cells (see C), expressed as a percentage between controls vs nonagenarian (d) and nonagenarians vs AD (e) (due to the minimal changes in identifiable genes/proteins associated with these cells types between control vs AD we have not included that pie chart herein)