Highly Multimerized Low-Affinity Antigen Effectively Induces Early B Cell Responses
(A and B) Intravital imaging of iLNs 2–3.5 h after immunization with eOD-GT2 60-mer. (A) Normalized speed of VRC01gHL B cells (∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 versus unimmunized). (B) Frequency of stationery VRC01gHL B cells (speed <3 μm/min; ∗p < 0.05 versus unimmunized). Data in (A) and (B) are from three experiments with n = 4 mice. Bars represent the mean. See also Figures 1C and 1D.
(C and D) VRC01gHL B cell activation at 24 h. (C) VRC01gHL B cell size (mean FSC-A). (D) Activation markers on VRC01gHL B cells (normalized geometric MFI). Data in (C) and (D) are from three experiments with n = 6–9 mice. Bars represent the mean.
(E) Distribution of VRC01gHL B cells at 24 h. Data are from two experiments with n = 6 mice and 580 cells.
(F)–(H) Intravital imaging showing T and B cell interactions at 24 h. (F) Schematic. (G) Representative movie frames. (H) VRC01gHL B cells (rows) were classified as “in contact” (red) or “not in contact” (blue) with SMARTA CD4+ T cells. Randomly selected 71 VRC01gHL B cells are shown.
(I) Percentage of time VRC01gHL B cells were in contact.
Data in (G)–(I) are from two experiments with n = 3 mice.
(J–P) Proliferation and differentiation of VRC01gHL B cell 3 days after immunization. (J) Division profiles. The gate identifies undivided and divided cells. (K) CTV (geometric MFI) on divided VRC01gHL B cells, normalized to eOD-GT5gp61 60-mer. (L) Divided VRC01gHL B cell number. (M) Undivided VRC01gHL B cells as a frequency of total B cells, normalized to unimmunized. (N) Bcl6 and IRF4 expression in divided VRC01gHL B cells. Percentages are indicated in quadrants. (O) Divided VRC01gHL B cells that are Bcl6hi IRF4lo GC B cells. (P) Divided VRC01gHL B cells that are IRF4hi Bcl6lo PCs. Data in (J)–(P) are from two experiments with n = 6 mice. Bars represent the mean.
∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001. See also Videos S2 and S3 and Figure S4.