Lipid responses in PPARαKO and GPR119KO mice after VSG. A, Plasma triglyceride levels in sham-operated PPARαKO mice were significantly higher than all other groups in the fed state (fed: *P < 0.05), while under fasting conditions PPARαKO mice showed increased triglyceride levels compared with WT mice regardless of surgery (fasted: bP < 0.01, main effect of genotype). B, Postprandial plasma cholesterol levels were elevated in PPARαKO mice compared to WT mice but decreased after VSG in both genotypes (fed: bP < 0.01, main effect of genotype; aP < 0.0001, main effect of surgery). VSG decreased fasted plasma cholesterol levels in both genotypes (fasted: aP < 0.05, main effect of surgery). C, Hepatic triglyceride (aP < 0.001, main effect of surgery) and D, hepatic cholesterol (aP < 0.0001, main effect of surgery) levels were significantly decreased in both WT and PPARαKO mice after VSG compared with respective sham controls. E, No statistical change in plasma triglyceride levels was identified between genotypes or surgical groups in either dietary condition within the GPR119KO cohort. F, Neither genotype nor surgery impacted plasma cholesterol levels after fasting, however, VSG decreased fed levels of plasma cholesterol in WT and GPR119KO mice (fed: aP < 0.05, main effect of surgery). G, Hepatic triglyceride levels in GPR119KO and WT mice decreased after VSG compared with respective sham controls (aP < 0.001, main effect of surgery). H, Hepatic cholesterol levels were statistically unchanged after VSG and between genotypes within the GPR119KO cohort.