Figure 1.
Construction of TME in LUAD
(A) Comparison of the distributions of estimate scores, immune scores, and stromal scores between tumor and control cohorts. (B) Comparison of immune scores on the TNM stage. (C) Kaplan-Meier curves show the independent relevance between overall survival time and immune scores. (D–F) Comparisons of immune scores on (D) tumor size, (E) distance metastasis, and (F) lymph nodes. (G) Comparisons of the immune cell members between high-immunity and low-immunity groups. (H) Relevance between clinical factors and immune cell members. The red to white gradient represents the significance level. The positive and negative diagonals in the boxes respectively indicate the significantly positive and negative relationships between cell fractions and the level of clinical factors (p < 0.05). (G) and (H) share the same y axis.