Figure 1.
Vasoactive Mature MicroRNAs Containing A-to-G Mismatches Indicative of A-to-I Editing
Heatmap displaying the percentage of A-to-I editing in human tissues of the 35 vasoactive mature microRNAs that were identified to contain potential microRNA editing sites after manual literature curation in combination with reanalysis of public microRNA-seq datasets. The percentage of A-to-I editing was obtained by reanalysis of selected high-quality public datasets (n = 1) and quantification of percentage A-to-G mismatches, indicative of A-to-I editing. Due to their near-complete sequence homology, editing of miR-376a1-3p, miR-376a2-3p, and miR-376b-3p could not be calculated separately, so their overall percentage editing is presented instead. Gray squares indicate insufficient reads (<10). The location of the quantified editing within the microRNA’s sequence is highlighted in red, while the microRNA seed sequence is in bold. Adenosines highlighted in orange were edited to a lower extent than the microRNA’s primary editing site. MicroRNAs in blue are members of the 14q32 microRNA cluster.