Fig. 36.
Single most parsimonious tree obtained from a phylogenetic analysis of the Melanomma ITS alignment (27 strains including the outgroup; 478 characters analysed: 289 constant, 104 variable and parsimony-uninformative and 85 parsimony-informative). The tree was rooted to Trematosphaeria grisea (strain CBS 332.50 GenBank NR_132039.1) and the scale bar indicates the number of changes. Parsimony bootstrap (PBS) and neighbour joining bootstrap support (NJBS) values higher than 74 % are shown at the nodes (PBS/NJBS) and the treated species is highlighted with a coloured box and bold text. Species names are indicated to the right of the tree, or before the culture collection, GenBank accession numbers, substrate and country of origin. Type status is indicated in superscript. Tree statistics: TL = 280, CI = 0.907, RI = 0.917, RC = 0.832.