Several Viral Populations and their Relations to Characterized Families
(A) Similarity of viral population 447, containing contig 356, to Pseudomonas phages JBD44 and phi297. Depicted is a whole genome comparison made using Easyfig (Sullivan et al., 2011). In the line representing contig 356, the top half shows ORFs with BLASTp hit against Pseudomonas bacteria proteins in the NCBI nr database, whereas the bottom half shows protein function.
(B) Similarity between five contigs from C. freundii-adsorbing viral population 4720 and T4-like Citrobacter phage Margaery, as shown by genome comparisons made using Easyfig (Sullivan et al., 2011). Numbers indicate contig numbers, contig 13,003 was placed below phage Margaery as it overlaps with contig 18,603. Colors indicate tBLASTx hits and use the same legend as (A).
(C) The relation of E. coli-adsorbing viral populations 18 and 2019 to jumbo phages displayed in an unrooted approximate maximum likelihood tree of jumbo phage terminases. Dots on branches represent ultrafast bootstrap support of ≥85 (Hoang et al., 2018).