Table 2.
Summary of existing and emerging treatment techniques reported in the literature for MB dye removal from wastewater.
Physical/chemical Method |
Method Description | Core findings | %Colour Reduction |
Reference | Shortcomings |
Photo Fenton process (Microwave assisted Fenton) | Oxidation reaction using H2O2–Fe(II)-MW | Effects of experimental conditions on the Microwave assisted Fenton process was determined. | 93.0 | Liu et al., (2013) | (1)No information was provided on the kinetics & thermodynamics of the degradation process. (2) The high cost of MW irradiation |
Electro-Fenton process | Oxidation reaction using mainly H2O2–Fe(II)-electric current | Effects of experimental conditions on Electro-Fenton process were investigated. | 98.8 | Guangsen et al., (2014) | (1) Kinetic and thermodynamic studies were not carried out. (2) The high cost of electricity |
Ozonation | Oxidation reaction using ozone Gas | Evaluation of the effectiveness of indirect ozonation for enhancing the degradability of MB | 94.56 | Turhan et al., (2012) | (1)Information about thermodynamic studies was not supplied. (2)Short half-life (20min) |
Photocalytic process (TiO2 assisted) | Oxidation of dye mainly by TiO2-UV irradiation | Effects of experimental conditions on the photo catalytic process &kinetics of the degradation process were determined. | >90 | Marziyeh et al., (2012) | (1)The thermodynamics of the photo catalytic process was not studied. (2)Formation of by-products |
Activated Carbon | Dye removal by adsorption Using: (a) Java Plum leaves |
Experimental conditions, isothermal and thermodynamic studies were used to determine the effectiveness of the adsorption process | 93.45 | Gnana et al., (2014) | (1)Degradation kinetics was not studied. (2)Regeneration difficulties |
(b) periwinkle shell | Experimental conditions, kinetic and isothermal studies were used to verify the effectiveness of the adsorption process. | >90.0 | Bello et al., (2008) | Information about thermodynamic studies was not supplied | |
(c)rice husk | Effects of experimental parameters on the adsorption process. | 97.15 | Mohammad et al., (2012) | No information was provided on kinetics and thermodynamics of the degradation process | |
Fenton's reagent | Oxidation reaction using mainly H2O2–Fe(II) |
Experimental conditions, kinetic and thermodynamic studies were used to verify the effectiveness of the Fenton process. | 98.8 | This work | - |