Immune Landscape of BxPC-3-Derived sEVs-Treated T Lymphocytes
(A) tSNE plot showing the differences in distributions of the Ctrl-T and sEVs-T.
(B) tSNE plot showing a total of 37 clusters and the distributions in clusters of the Ctrl-T and sEVs-T.
(C) Heatmap showing the differential expressions of 42 immune markers in the 37 cell clusters. The label on the left showing the T cell types of clusters according to typically expressed markers.
(D) Heatmap (top) showing the differential expressions of 42 immune markers between Ctrl-T and sEVs-T (n = 5). Box plot (bottom) showing the differential expressions of 8 immunosuppressive biomarkers between Ctrl-T and sEVs-T (n = 5). Data derived from CyTOF. Data shown are mean ± standard deviation. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 (two-tailed, unpaired Student's t test).