In vitro electrical stimulation increases the number of neurospheres. Ai, Aii, Experimental paradigms for in vitro electrical stimulation. B, C, Fold change in the number of neurospheres from stim-off cells and stim-on cells from (B) primary cultures (n = 3 independent experiments, *p = 0.03) and (C) neurosphere-derived NPCs (n = 4 independent experiments, ****p < 0.0001). Fold change in the number of neurospheres cultured using CM from stim-off and stim-on (D) primary cells (n = 3 independent experiments) and (E) neurosphere-derived NPCs (p = 0.5 and p = 0.9, respectively; n = 3 independent experiments) Each point in the graph represents an independent experiment, plotted with mean ± SEM. Analysis performed via a two-tailed unpaired t test between stim-off and stim-on groups. Neurosphere counts from in vitro stimulation found in Extended Data Figure 1-1. Comparison of fold changes in neurospheres following stimulation with and without Wnt inhibitor to inhibit symmetric divisions found in Extended Data Figure 1-2.