Average percent cover of A) herbaceous species (herb), tree and liana seedlings (woody), and nonplant cover (bare) and B) the most abundant grass (ICHPAL = Ichnanthus pallens), forb (SYNAUR = Syngonium), and fern (Blechnum occidentale = BLEOCC) species in control and experimentally warmed plots (n = 3) sampled once a year for four years. Years on the x‐axis represent the following sampling months: October 2015 (baseline survey), July 2016 (prewarming), August 2017 (1 year postwarming), and Sept. 2018 (1 year posthurricane). The gray box shows the period of time the warming treatment was active before it was stopped due to damage by two hurricanes in September 2017. (Error bars ± 1 SE)