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. 2020 Jul 29;10(16):8610–8622. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6518


Summary of temporal patterns at nest platforms

Species Proportion of monitoring‐weeks with detection Number of monitoring‐weeks detected Detections per week a No. of sites observed Predation rate
Tree vole 0.370 5,744 80.1 ± 107.4 23 n/a
Flying squirrel 0.446 6,915 5.5 ± 10.8 23 0.0003
Birds digging 0.017 267 31.3 ± 44.6 16 0.0037
Owl 0.006 99 3.3 ± 5.0 19 0.0103
Small owl b 0.004 56 2.7 ± 3.1 16 0.0179
Barred owl 0.003 43 3.7 ± 6.7 15 0.0000
Weasel 0.005 82 3.5 ± 3.8 18 0.1000
Short‐tailed weasel 0.003 45 4.0 ± 4.5 14 0.1556
Long‐tailed weasel 0.002 37 2.5 ± 1.7 11 0.0270
Raptor (Accipiter sp.) 0.002 31 1.8 ± 1.2 13 0.0000

Summary of different species or groups detected at 168 nest platforms monitored by remote cameras for up to 177 weeks (670 ± 264 days; x¯ ± SD) at 23 young forest sites in the central Oregon Coast Range, Oregon, USA. Italics indicate species that represent a subset of a taxonomic group. Data represent weekly detections (No. of detections per week) during the sampling period in which each nest platform was monitored (n = 15,510 monitoring‐weeks). Predation rate is the proportion of detections resulting in an observed mortality of a red tree vole attributable to a given nest predator.


Data include only weeks in which a species or group was detected such that no 0 values were included. x¯ ± 1 SD.


Northern saw‐whet owl (n = 20), Western screech owl (n = 9), Northern pygmy owl (n = 9), Unidentified small owl (n = 17).