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. 2019 Dec 20;22(3):392. doi: 10.4081/ripppo.2019.392

Table 3.

Means, standard deviation and results of the MANOVA for Experience in Close Relationship Scale 12 Anxiety and Avoidance scores across the four attachment styles (Secure, Fearful, Preoccupied and Dismissing) provided by the Relationship Questionnaire.

Secure Fearful Preoccupied Dismissing
(N=96) (N=43) (N=25) (N=44)
ECR-12 Anxiety (SD) 20.79 (7.77)b, c 28.51 (7.16)a, d 28.00 (9.14)a, d 18.20 (7.95)b, c
ECR-12 Avoidance (SD) 12.46 (5.33)b 16.16 (7.26)a 14.28 (7.21) 14.20 (6.26)

ECR-12, Experience in Close Relationship Scale 12; SD, standard deviation. N=208. Superscripts refer to significant comparisons (a Secure; b Fearful; c Preoccupied; d Dismissing).