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. 2020 Aug 28;25(8):086004. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.25.8.086004

Table 1.

Specifications of reported multi- and hyperspectral laparoscopic (HSI/MSI) systems since 2013.

Author System description [light source] Spectral separation Spectral range (nm) Spectral channels [resolution in nm] Image size in pixels [spatial resolution] Acquisition [processing] time in s Color videoa Medical application
Clancy et al.21 MSI laparoscope [xenon] LCTF 500 to 620 13 [7 to 20] 512×384 [0.7 mm] 7 [45] No Perfusion
Fawzy et al.22 MSI flexible endoscope [xenon] Filter wheel 400 to 760 18 [15] 200×200 [n.a.] 0.07 [2.4] No Perfusion
Hohmann et al.23 MSI flexible endoscope [xenon] n.a. 400 to 650 6 [12 to 20] 350×370 [50 to 500  μm] 0.45 [1.5] No LG CA
Luthman et al.13 MSI flexible endoscope [LED] 2 × SRDA 470 to 630 16 [9 to 26] n.a. [300 to 400  μm] 0.01 [600] Yes U/LG CA
600 to 1000 25 [7 to 15]
More et al.24 MSI rigid endoscope [halogen] Line scanning monochromator 480 to 705 16 [15] 1392×1024 [n.a.] 20 [n.a.] No Mice retina
Zhang et al. 25 MSI laparoscope [n.a.] Filter wheel 470 to 700 8 [20 to 25] 300×300 [6.45  μm] 0.4 [n.a.] No Tissue classification
Leitner et al.26 MSI + HSI rigid endoscope [xenon] AOTF 400 to 650 MSI: 8 1004×1002 [n.a.] MSI: 0.2 No Classification of cancerous tissue
HSI: 51 [5]
HSI: 1.25 [n.a.]
Baltussen et al.14 HSI laparoscope [halogen] 2 × push-broom 400 to 1000 and 900 to 1700 n.a. [3 and 5] 1×1312 and 1×320 [n.a.] 20 and 30 [60] No LG CA
Han et al.27 HSI flexible endoscope [xenon] Filter wheel 405 to 665 27 [10] 582×752 [n.a.] 4.2 [n.a.] No LG CA
Kumashiro et al.15 HSI flexible endoscope [xenon] Push-broom 405 to 750 70 [5] 640×480 [n.a.] 30 [60] Yes LG CA
Regeling et al.28 HSI flexible endoscope [n.a.] Monochromator 390 to 680 30 [10] 1388×1040 [n.a.] 6 to 9 [30] No HN CA
Yoon et al.16 Flexible HSI endoscope [LED, halogen] Manual line scanning 450 to 710 (due to light source) 75 [9] at 18  μm slit; 50  lines/mm n.a. [120  μm at 5 mm distance] 0.05/line [0.85/line] Yes UG CA
Presented system HSI laparoscope [LED, xenon, halogen] Push-broom 500 to 1000 100 [5] 640×480 [320  μm at 50-mm distance and 500 nm] 4.6 [4.6] Yes UG CA

AOTF, acousto-optical tunable filter; LCTF, liquid crystal tunable filter; SRDA, spectrally resolving detector array; U/LG CA, detection of cancers in the upper/lower gastrointestinal tract; and HN CA, head and neck cancer detection.


Simultaneous acquisition of HSI/MSI and color video (>15  fps).