The broad extension of
the template transformation method. (a1–a4)
TEM image, HR-HAADF-STEM image, STEM image and corresponding EDS elemental
maps, and FT-EXAFS spectra of Co-N-Gr-H. (b1–b4) TEM image,
HR-HAADF-STEM image, STEM image and corresponding EDS elemental maps,
and FT-EXAFS spectra of Fe-N-Gr. (c1–c4) TEM image, HR-HAADF-STEM
image, STEM image and corresponding EDS elemental maps, and FT-EXAFS
spectra of Ni-N-Gr. (d1–d4) TEM image, HR-HAADF-STEM image,
STEM image and corresponding EDS elemental maps, and FT-EXAFS spectra
of Cu-N-Gr. Scale bars: 100 nm (a1, b1, cl, d1), 5 nm (a2, b2, c2,
d2), 100 nm (a3, b3, c3, d3).