Rationale for the design of a single-FP-based citrate
(a) Schematic representation of Klebsiella pneumoniae SHK CitA, which is composed of a periplasmic citrate-binding domain
(CitAP; light blue, unbound; magenta, bound), connected to transmembrane
helices at both its N- (transmembrane helix 1, TM1) and C-termini
(transmembrane helix 2, TM2). TM2 is, in turn, connected to an intracellular
HK catalytic domain.26 (b) The structures
of citrate-free CitAP (left; light blue; PDB ID 2V9A),25 citrate-bound CitAP (right; magenta; PDB ID
2J80),25 and a superposition of the citrate-free
and -bound structures (middle). (c) We hypothesized that the piston-type
conformational motion at the CitAP termini could be communicated to
GFP to allosterically control the chromophore environment and its
fluorescent brightness. In this way, the CitAP domain could serve
as the basis of construction of a genetically encoded citrate biosensor.
(d) To realize this biosensor design, we inserted CitAP into GFP by
replacing the CaM-RS20 domain of ncpGCaMP6s27 with CitAP.