Figure 4.
Use of Citron1 for imaging of citrate concentration changes induced by changes in glucose or pharmacologically in HeLa cells. (a) Glucose-induced citrate concentration changes detected with cytosolic (orange trace, n = 32) and mitochondrial (green trace, n = 28) Citron1. (b) BMS-303141-induced citrate concentration changes detected by cytosolic (n = 22) and mitochondrial (n = 24) Citron1. (c) UK-5099 (in DMSO)-induced citrate concentration changes detected by Citron1 (blue trace, n = 36) expressed in mitochondria. Control experiments include Citron1 + DMSO (orange trace, n = 23), CitronRH + UK-5099 (gray trace, n = 38), and CitronRH + DMSO (green trace, n = 23). The arrow indicates the addition of UK-5099 or DMSO solutions. Error bars in a–c represent s.e.m. (d–f) Dual color imaging of citrate and ATP concentration changes in mitochondria using Citron1 and MalionR.44 (d,e) Representative fluorescence images of cells coexpressing Citron1 (d) and MalionR (e). (f) Representative glucose-induced citrate and ATP concentration changes reported by Citron1 (green traces) and MalionR (red traces).