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. 2020 Aug 27;8(2):e001111. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2020-001111

Table 1.

Table of mutated tumor-specific antigens from the Cancer Antigenic Peptide Database

Gene/protein Tumor type T cell origin HLA restriction element Mutant peptide sequence WT peptide sequence Reference Total score mutant Total score WT MHC IC50 (nM) mutant peptide MHC IC50 (nM) WT peptide T cells reactive to WT peptide?
alpha-actinin-4 LC Tumor A2 FIASNGVKLV FIASKGVKLV Echchakir, 2001 −1.14 −1.41 280.8 379.8 No
BCR–ABL fusion protein (b3a2) CML BM B8 GFKQSSKAL Yotnda, 1998 −1.5 2679
BCR–ABL fusion protein (b3a2) CML BM A2 SSKALQRPV Yotnda, 1998 −3.48 23 712.2
beta-catenin M Tumor A24 SYLDSGIHF SYLDSGIHS Robbins, 1996 0.92 −4.11 74.7 25 856.4 Yes at high conc
CASP-5 Various Blood A2 FLIIWQNTM Schwitalle, 2004 −0.39 64
CASP-8 HNC Blood B35 FPSDSWCYF Mandruzzato, 1997 1.8 2.6
CDK12 M Tumor A11 CILGKLFTK CILGELFTK Robbins, 20137 0.18 0.05 15.4 21.3 No
CDK4 M Blood A2 ACDPHSGHFV ARDPHSGHFV Wolfel, 1995 −2.98 −3.18 18 383.1 27 546.2 No
CDKN2A M Tumor A11 AVCPWTWLR Huang, 200457 0.4 37.2
CLPP M LN A2 ILDKVLVHL ILDKVLVHP Corbière, 2011 0.67 −2.91 16.4 5424 Yes at high conc
CSNK1A1 M Tumor A2 GLFGDIYLA GSFGDIYLA Robbins, 20137 −0.05 −1.65 6.1 625.8 No
EFTUD2 M Blood A3 KILDAVVAQK KILDAVVAQE Lennerz, 2005 −0.31 −3.62 41.8 9290.9 No
Elongation factor 2 LC Blood A68 ETVSEQSNV ETVSEESNV Hogan, 1998 −2.7 −2.99 5755.2 9457.9 No
ETV6–AML1 fusion protein ALL BM A2 RIAECILGM Yotnda, 1998 −1.02 188.2
FLT3-ITD AML Blood A1 YVDFREYEYY YVDFREYEYD Graf, 2007 1.22 −2.42 18.6 361.2 No
FNDC3B CLL Blood A2 VVMSWAPPV VLSWAPPV Rajasagi, 2004 0.2 −0.12 5.9 15.4 No
GAS7 M Tumor A2 SLADEAEVYL SLADEAEVHL Robbins, 20137 0.67 0.02 25 111 No
GPNMB M Blood A3 TLDWLLQTPK TLGWLLQTPK Lennerz, 2005 −1.27 −0.84 86 57.7 No
HAUS3 M Tumor A2 ILNAMIAKI ILNAMITKI Robbins, 20137 −0.34 −0.3 44.4 50.5 No
HSDL1 OC Tumor Cw14 CYMEAVAL CYMEAVLAL Wick, 2013 −0.18 1.37 147.9 4.5 No
hsp70-2 RCC Tumor A2 SLFEGIDIYT SLFEGIDFYT Gaudin, 1999 −0.66 −0.32 24.5 7.6 Yes at high conc
K-ras CRC Tumor Cw8 GADGVGKSA GAGGVGKSA Tran, 201648 −3.36 −3.76 14 448.1 37 042.9 No
K-ras CRC Tumor Cw8 GADGVGKSAL GAGGVGKSAL Tran, 201648 −1.93 −2.81 3976.7 30 765 No
K-ras PC Blood B35 VVVGAVGVG VVVGAGGVG Gjertsen, 1997 −3.96 −3.93 19 846 20 374.7 No
KIAAO205 BC Blood B44 AEPIDIQTW AEPINIQTW Guéguen, 1998 0.09 −0.11 96.7 84.2 No
MART2 M Tumor A1 FLEGNEVGKTY FLGGNEVGKTY Kawakami, 2001 −0.89 −1.44 4010.9 10 257.4 No
MATN M Tumor A11 KTLTSVFQK ETLTSVFQK Robbins, 20137 0.4 −0.52 8.4 38 No
ME1 LC Tumor A2 FLDEFMEGV FLDEFMEAV Karanikas, 2001 0.66 0.87 2.3 2 No
MUM-1 M Tumor B44 EEKLIVVLF EEKLSVVLF Coulie, 1995 0.01 0.23 166.3 154.2 No
MUM-2 M Blood B44 SELFRSGLDSY SELFRSRLDSY Chiari, 1999 −0.28 −0.17 713.2 501 No
MUM-2 M Blood Cw6 FRSGLDSYV FRSRLDSYV Chiari, 1999 −1.34 −0.93 157.1 92.3 No
MUM-3 M Blood A68 EAFIQPITR EAFSIQPITR Baurain, 2000 0.75 1.08 13.1 7 No
Myosin class I M Tumor A3 KINKNPKYK EINKNPKYK Zorn, 1999 0.48 −2.63 63.3 5884.6 No
N-ras M Tumor A1 ILDTAGREEY ILDTAGQEEY Linard, 2002 0.03 0.51 255.8 140.1 No
NFYC LC LN B52 QQITKTEV QQITQTEV Takenoyama, 2006 −3.34 −3.15 28 088.8 24 411.9 No
OGT CRC Blood A2 SLYKFSPFPL Ripberger, 2003 0.47 11
OS-9 M Blood B44 KELEGILLL KELEGILLP Vigneron, 2002 −0.9 −2.9 522.6 3473.2 No
p53 HNC Blood A2 VVPCEPPEV VVPYEPPEV Ito, 2007 −1.85 −2.21 1268.1 3017.2 No
PPP1R3B M Tumor A1 YTDFHCQYV YTDFPCQYV Robbins, 20137 −0.96 −1.9 107.4 194.4 No
PRDX5 M Blood A2 LLLDDLLVSI LLLDDSLVSI Sensi, 2005 0.45 0.47 14.2 16.2 No
RBAF600 M Blood B7 RPHVPESAF GPHVPESAF Lennerz, 2005 1.27 0.24 9.4 41.6 No
SIRT2 M Blood A3 KIFSEVTLK KIFSEVTPK Lennerz, 2005 0.2 −0.3 11.8 15.1 No
SNRPD1 M Blood B38 SHETVIIEL SHETVTIEL Lennerz, 2005 −0.19 −0.26 184 168.5 No
SYT–SSX1 or SYT–SSX2 fusion protein Sarcoma Blood B7 QRPYGYDQIM Worley, 2001 −1.75 1033.6
TGF-betaRII CRC Blood A2 RLSSCVPVA Linnebacher, 2001 −0.86 82.7
TP53 Various Tumor A2 VVPCEPPEV VVPYEPPEV Malekzadeh, 2019 −1.85 −2.21 1268.1 3017.2 No

These result from unique mutations in genes that are expressed ubiquitously. Total score and MHC IC50 were predicted using the IEDB proteasomal cleavage/TAP transport/MHC class I combined predictor tool for mutant and wild-type peptides. Additional information about T cell reactivity for native peptide, methods used to find epitopes, and T cell origin were collected from the references listed in the table. Each line corresponds to a peptide that is considered to be a tumor antigen that is recognized by T cells. For each antigenic peptide, evidence of natural processing and presentation and isolation of stable human T cell clones that recognize the peptide were required for inclusion in the table. The MHC I binding predictions were made on March 27, 2020 using the IEDB Analysis Resource Consensus Tool94 that combines predictions from artificial neural networks (ANN) a.k.a. NetMHC,95–97 stabalized matrix method,98 and Comblib.99

HLA, human leucocyte antigen; IEDB, immune epitope database; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; TAP, transporter associated with antigen processing; WT, wild type.