Extended Data Figure 8. Reactive oxygen species production by excess selenium, and implications in SEPHS2 KO toxicity.
(a) Selenoprotein immunoblots of MDAMB231 cells at 24hr recovery after 2 hr sodium selenite treatment or treated with 2-selenocysteine-containing peptide for 24hr. (b) ROS quantification of cells treated with indicated concentrations of sodium selenite or 2xselenocysteine containing peptide, 250 μM TBH, or 500μM H2O2 for 45 mins. (c) Viability of U251 cells overexpressing vector or CAT treated with vehicle or H2O2 for 48 hr. (d)Viability of U251, and MDAMB231 cells overexpressing blank vector or CAT and subjected to KO with guides against SEPHS2 for 9 days. (e) Immunoblots of CAT and SEPHS2 in U251 and MDAMB231 cells overexpressing blank vector or CAT and subjected to KO with guides against SEPHS2 for 9 days. For b, n=3 independent experiments; error bars are S.D. For c,d n=3 biological replicates; error bars are S.D. For all panels, the measure of center is mean. For all panels, *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 (student’s two-tailed t test).