(A) The prevalence of individuals positive for pentamers recognizing CD8 T cells specific for latent and lytic EBV antigens as well as for CMV antigens is reported for patients with RRMS without treatment (n = 37, 8 EDA and 29 NEDA), patients with RRMS receiving GA therapy (n = 35), and healthy donors (n = 48). Total bar heights account for the percentage of positive subjects. p Values were calculated with the Pearson χ2 test. (B) Box and whisker plots show the frequencies of CD8 T cells specific for EBV latent (number of subjects: HD = 16, EDA = 4, NEDA = 9, and GA = 23) and lytic (number of subjects: HD = 23, EDA = 3, NEDA = 8, and GA = 14) antigens assessed by the MHC-I pentamer technology. Also, the frequency of CMV-specific lymphocytes is shown (number of subjects: HD = 16, EDA = 2, NEDA = 5, and GA = 19). Patients are stratified according to disease activity and treatment. Boxes indicate interquartile ranges, whereas whiskers indicate total ranges. p Values were calculated with the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test and Dunn multiple comparison test. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. CMV = cytomegalovirus; EBV = Epstein-Barr virus; EDA = evidence of activity activity; GA = glatiramer acetate; HD = healthy donor; NEDA = no evidence of disease activity; nt = not treated; RRMS = relapsing-remitting MS.