Fig. 3. Chemical analysis of sCVD SCP films.
(A) A synthetic scheme of SBDDVE polymerization via sCVD using elemental sulfur. Chemical composition analysis of SBDDVE: (B) FTIR spectra of the elemental sulfur (top), SBDDVE (middle), and BDDVE monomer (bottom). Ether (C─O─C, 1100 cm−1) and vinyl (C═C, 1600 cm−1) peaks found in the monomer moiety are highlighted in blue, and sulfur (S─S, 480 cm−1; C─S, 1080 cm−1) peaks found in the sulfur moiety is highlighted in red. (C) XPS survey scan spectrum of SBDDVE-coated Si wafer and the corresponding (D) XPS C 1s high-resolution scan and its deconvoluted peaks featured with light blue for S─C─O, green for C─O, blue for C─S, and gray for C─C, respectively. (E) XPS S 2p high-resolution scans and its deconvoluted peaks in red for S─S and in blue for C─S. (F) XPS O 1s high-resolution scans and its deconvoluted peak in green for C─O. (G) XPS depth profile analysis of 300-nm-thick SBDDVE film coated on Si wafer.