Table I.
Coding guidelines used in data extraction
Category (Y/N) | Coding guidelines |
Mentions equity as a guiding principle | Check Y if any of the following:
Food insecurity and child nutrition | Check Y if guidance mentions policies relevant to food insecurity
Homelessness or temporary housing | Check Y if guidance mentions students experiencing homelessness or addresses this population's needs
Lack of access to Internet/technology | Check Y if guidance mentions students without access to Internet/technology or addresses this population's needs
Students with disabilities or special needs | Check Y if guidance mentions this population
English-language learners | Check Y if guidance mentions this population
Students involved with or on the verge of involvement with DCFS or equivalent agency | Check Y if guidance mentions this population (including students placed in foster care, OR students at greater risk of abuse and neglect), OR if guidance mentions DCFS or an equivalent agency
Mental health support | Check Y if guidance mentions mental health resources for students OR staff
Students at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection | Check Y if guidance mentions this population
Staff at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection | Check Y if guidance mentions this population
Students living with someone at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection | Check Y if guidance mentions this population. States that mentioned allowing families to self-report as being high risk were also marked Y
Staff living with someone at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection | Check Y if guidance mentions this population
DCFS, Department of Children and Family Services; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.