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. 2020 Aug 29;227:38–44.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.08.069

Table I.

Coding guidelines used in data extraction

Category (Y/N) Coding guidelines
Mentions equity as a guiding principle Check Y if any of the following:
  • Explicitly mentions “equity” as a concern or guiding principle

  • Acknowledges the importance of addressing the needs of “vulnerable populations” who have been especially affected by the pandemic

  • Acknowledges the need to address “disparities”

  • Otherwise, mark N for this category, even if the guidelines go on to mention specific vulnerable populations (eg, students with disabilities)

Food insecurity and child nutrition Check Y if guidance mentions policies relevant to food insecurity
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: plan for delivery of free and reduced-cost meals even if schools are closed

  • Examples of policies that would NOT count in this category: measures related to social distancing in the cafeteria, staggered mealtimes, or using disposable utensils. These measures are related to child nutrition but not directly related to issues of equity or food insecurity.

Homelessness or temporary housing Check Y if guidance mentions students experiencing homelessness or addresses this population's needs
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: develop a COVID-19 transportation protocol for students experiencing homelessness

Lack of access to Internet/technology Check Y if guidance mentions students without access to Internet/technology or addresses this population's needs
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: distribute map with free public Wi-Fi hotspots; survey families in advance about ability to access Internet; funding to provide students in need with devices

Students with disabilities or special needs Check Y if guidance mentions this population
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: interventions to help students with visual or hearing impairments, students with autism, students who are wheelchair-bound

  • Examples of policies that would NOT count in this category: guidance for students with underlying medical problems such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc. Policies relevant to students with underlying illnesses that make a student at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection, but would not typically cause a student to have special needs in their academic instruction, should be placed in the “students at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection” category.

English-language learners Check Y if guidance mentions this population
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: provide translation services during remote learning

Students involved with or on the verge of involvement with DCFS or equivalent agency Check Y if guidance mentions this population (including students placed in foster care, OR students at greater risk of abuse and neglect), OR if guidance mentions DCFS or an equivalent agency
  • Example of policies that would be recorded under this category: continue mandated reporting practices for suspected abuse

Mental health support Check Y if guidance mentions mental health resources for students OR staff
  • Mentioning a specific mental illness (depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc) is NOT required to earn a Y.

  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: mindfulness practice in daily classroom routine, teletherapy resources

Students at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection Check Y if guidance mentions this population
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: distance learning arrangements

Staff at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection Check Y if guidance mentions this population
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: telework opportunities

Students living with someone at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection Check Y if guidance mentions this population. States that mentioned allowing families to self-report as being high risk were also marked Y
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: distance learning arrangements

  • Some states mention that some parents may not feel comfortable sending their children back to school, but for unspecified reasons. This is insufficient to earn a Y.

Staff living with someone at greater risk of severe illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection Check Y if guidance mentions this population
  • Examples of policies that would be recorded under this category: telework opportunities

DCFS, Department of Children and Family Services; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.