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. 2020 Aug 14;22(8):e19861. doi: 10.2196/19861

Table 3.

Descriptive data for mean medication adherence and adolescent/young adult survey scores by group allocation and time point.

Variable Baseline Postrandomization P valuea Cohen db

mean (SD) Range mean (SD) Range

Overall medication adherence .97

Active controlc 80.60 (22.47) 32.14-100 76.76 (27.31) 21.43-100

Interventiond 79.46 (22.62) 35.71-100 76.00 (27.00) 7.14-100
Medication self-efficacy .57

Active control 7.90 (1.74) 4.08-9.75 8.03 (1.88) 3.83- 9.83

Intervention 7.95 (1.95) 3.33- 9.67 7.83 (2.36) 2.92- 10.00
Positive outcome expectancies .42

Active control 5.81 (0.56) 5.05- 6.75 5.85 (0.40) 5.30- 6.80

Intervention 5.70 (1.00) 4.00-7.00 5.94 (0.90) 3.85-7.00
Negative outcome expectancies .61

Active control 2.07 (1.12) 1.00-4.31 2.19 (1.24) 1.00-5.31

Intervention 1.72 (0.94) 1.00-4.62 1.91 (1.09) 1.00-5.46
Barriers to adherence .79

Active control 2.23 (0.55) 1.35-3.41 2.25 (0.69) 1.12-3.65

Intervention 1.94 (0.56) 1.18-2.94 1.92 (0.66) 1.00-3.35
Motivation for adherence .46

Active control 7.88 (2.41) 2.00-10.00 8.44 (2.92) 1.00-10.00

Intervention 8.30 (2.44) 1.00-10.00 7.87 (2.71) 3.33-10.00
Importance of adherence .18

Active control 9.25 (1.72) 3.33-10.00 8.81 (1.85) 3.33-10.00

Intervention 9.24 (1.58) 4.00-10.00 9.19 (1.98) 3.33-10.00

aP values are for group by time interactions for changes in mean adherence or surveys.

bCohen d reflects the magnitude of change within randomization group from baseline to postrandomization.

cReminder-only Message active control group.

dReminder+COM-B Message intervention group.