Table 1.
16S rRNA databases used for the metataxonomic classifiers in this study
Database | Version | Release date | Sequences | Domains | Phyla | Classes | Orders | Family | Genera | Species |
Greengenes | 13_8 | August 15, 2013 | 203,452 | 2 | 89 | 248 | 404 | 513 | 2102 | 2952 |
SILVA | 132 | December 13, 2017 | 695,171 | 5 | 228 | 514 | 1277 | 1531 | 9379 | - |
RDP | 11.5 | September 30, 2016 | 3,356,808 | 2 | 60 | 99 | 154 | 384 | 2466 | - |
For each of the most recently released versions of three 16S rRNA databases, this table describes the total number of sequences and the number of “traditional” nodes represented in their respective taxonomies. The Greengenes numbers refer to the 99% OTU database, and the SILVA values reflect the Ref NR 99 database