The hypothalamic tissues were analyzed with qRT-PCR. Expression of inflammatory genes and anorexigenic (POMC) and orexigenic genes (AgRP) was profiled in rats with cancer cachexia (A) and CKD-associated cachexia (B) after s.c. administration of TCMCB07. Tumor/saline group (n = 8), tumor/TCMCB07L group (n = 8), tumor/TCMCB07H group (n = 8) and sham/saline group (n = 6). Neph/saline group (n = 11), neph/TCMCB07 group (n = 11), and sham/saline group (n = 6). All data in A and B are expressed with each dot representing 1 sample. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001, versus tumor/saline group (A) or Neph/saline group (B), 1-way ANOVA.