Figure 3.
Increased RPE/sub-RPE deposits in the adult DKO mice, as demonstrated by PAS staining. Four-month-old C57BL/6 WT mice (A), 2- and 4-month-old DKO (B-C), and 4-month-old CXCR5 KO (D) and NRF2 KO (E) mice histological sections were studied, revealing the presence of PAS (+) deposits in RPE-layer of DKO mice at 2-months of age (B); PAS (+) deposits are increasing in size pushing against the thickening Bruch’s membrane (visible as a pink layer) into choroid layer in 4-months old DKO mice (C). Retinal layers were denoted as follows: ONL - outer nuclear layer; PIS - photoreceptor inner segment; POS - photoreceptor outer segment. RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; BM - Bruch’s membrane; and CHO - choroid. (F) Quantification of PAS (+) deposits within the RPE and sub-RPE area. The numbers of RPE/sub-RPE deposits were counted and averaged from 4 samples per group (n = 4). P values were denoted: n.s. P > 0.05; *** P < 0.001.