Proportion of target looking by age-group and trial type (Comp. = comparison; chance = 0.5)
Age-group | Trial type | M (SD) | Comp. to chance | t test p-vala | #subjs > chance | Binomial test p-val |
Older | Other | 0.664 (0.143) | t(14) = 4.442 | <.001 | 12/15 | .035 |
Older | Own | 0.661 (0.1) | t(14) = 6.234 | <.001 | 13/15 | .007 |
Younger | Other | 0.544 (0.11) | t(14) = 1.545 | .145 | 9/15 | .607 |
Younger | Own | 0.584 (0.122) | t(14) = 2.665 | .018 | 12/15 | .035 |
t test p-values above are from the more conservative two-tailed test and are presented uncorrected. We note that applying a Holm–Bonferroni correction does not change the pattern of significance of these results.