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. 2020 Aug 14;11:2061. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02061


School Climate and Academic Mindset Inventory items (original model).

Item Key Subscale
My parents feel welcome to come to my school 1 = strongly disagree Parent Involvement and Support
This school involves parents in most school events or activities 2 = disagree
My parents know what goes on inside my school 3 = agree
4 = strongly agree
My intelligence is something that I can’t change very much 1 = not at all true Academic Mindset
Challenging myself won’t make me any smarter 2 = a little true
There are some things I am not capable of learning 3 = somewhat true
If I am not naturally smart in a subject, I will never do well in it 4 = mostly true
I don’t participate in discussions because I am afraid people might think I am foolish 5 = completely true
I would rather do easy work that I can do well than challenging work where I might learn more*
I don’t ask questions in class because people might think my questions are not smart
I stop doing work if I feel like I can’t do it well*
I only volunteer to answer a question if I am sure my answer is right
Do the readings or other assigned work to prepare for class? 1 = never
Turn in assignments on the due date? 2 = once in a while
Actively participate in class? 3 = about half the timey
Have all of your class materials with you? 4 = most of the time
Do more than what is expected of you? 5 = always
Knowing what my strengths are* 1 = very difficult Social Emotional Learning
Knowing ways I calm myself down* 2 = difficult
Knowing the emotions I feel* 3 = easy
Knowing when my feelings are making it hard for me to focus* 4 = very easy
Knowing what people may be feeling by the look on their face*
Learning from people with different opinions than me*
Knowing when someone needs help*
Getting through something even when I feel frustrated
Being patient even when I am really excited
Finishing tasks even if they are hard for me
Setting goals for myself
Doing my schoolwork even when I do not feel like it
Being prepared for tests
Getting along with my classmates*
Respecting a classmate’s opinions during a disagreement*
Thinking about what might happen before making a decision*
Knowing what is right or wrong*
This school is safe 1 = strongly disagree Safety
Students feel safe in this school 2 = disagree
This school has safety procedures that work 3 = agree
Students know what to do if there is an emergency during school 4 = strongly agree
This school encourages me to have healthy habits (ex., physical activity or nutrition)
I sometimes stay home because I don’t feel safe at this school 1 = strongly disagree Physical Safety
Students at this school threaten to hurt other students 2 = disagree
Students at this school damage or destroy other students’ property 3 = agree
4 = strongly agree
This school does a good job to prevent bullying 1 = strongly disagree Bullying
Students in this school are teased about their clothing or physical appearance 2 = disagree
Bullying is a problem at this school 3 = agree
Cyberbullying is a problem at this school 4 = strongly agree
Students in this school are teased or put down because of their race or ethnicity
In my experience, at this school everything works or gets fixed quickly 1 = strongly disagree Physical Environment and Resources
This school is clean 2 = disagree
The heating and air conditioning work well at this school 3 = agree
The technology (computers, iPads, mobile devices, etc.) works well at this school 4 = strongly agree
The equipment and facilities at this school work well
School staff treat students with respect, regardless of differences like race, ethnicity, gender, or disability 1 = strongly disagree Respect for Diversity
2 = disagree
This school encourages an appreciation of student diversity and respect for each other 3 = agree
School staff encourages all students to take challenging courses no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, or disability 4 = strongly agree
Student treat other students with respect, regardless of differences like race, ethnicity, gender, or disability
My school encourages me to be courteous and respectful toward others
At my school, my teachers tell me how I am doing in my classes 1 = strongly disagree Perceptions of School Performance
This school promotes academic success for all students 2 = disagree
I am learning with technology such as computers, mobile devices and the Internet at this school 3 = agree
I like my school* 4 = strongly agree
I am getting a good education at this school
Help is available at this school if I have trouble with my schoolwork
Teachers understand my problems
My teachers care about me*
If I am absent, there is a teacher or some other adult at school that will notice my absence

*Removed items in trimmed model.