Table 2.
Characterization of the vegetation types.
Vegetation type | Association | Dominant plant species |
Fertile pasture | Poion alpinae | Trifolium pratense L. Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. BEAUV. Phleum rhaeticum (HUMPHRIES) RAUSCHERT Ranunculus acris L. Carum carvi L. Alchemilla xanthochlora ROTHM. |
Mat-grass community | Nardion | Festuca rubra L. Nardus stricta L. |
Dwarf-shrub-community | Juniperion nanae | Erica carnea L. Calluna vulgaris (L.) HULL |
Alpine fen | Caricion fuscae | Various mosses Trichophorum cespitosum (L.) HARTM. Carex nigra (L.) REICHARD Carex panicea L. |
Larch-pine forest | Larici-Pinetum cembrae | Larix decidua MILL. Pinus cembra L. Vaccinium myrtillus L. Vaccinium gaultherioides BIGELOW Juniperus communis L. |
Table provides the main vegetation types in the study area [classification according to Delarze and Gonseth (20)], the scientific name of these plant associations, and their dominant plant species.