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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Hum Mutat. 2020 Jan 14;41(4):837–849. doi: 10.1002/humu.23975


Details of individual IFIH1 mutations identified in the families included in the present data set

cDNA change Protein change Families (de novo inheritance; or,
number of symptomatic and non-
penetrant individuals where
phenotypes (‘/’ within
family)(‘;’ between
Upregulation of
Assessment by
reporter assay
gnomAD SIFT Polyphen2 CADD
c.992C>G p.Thr331Arg AGS674 (de novo); AGS1972 (2;0) AGS-SMS; SMS Yes Yes (de Carvalho et al., 2017) Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 29.7 22:23
c.992C>T p.Thr331Ile AGS1938 (3;0) SMS Yes Yes (de Carvalho et al., 2017) Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 31 22:23
c.1009A>G p.Arg337Gly AGS237 (de novo) NR Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) Novel Tolerated 0.12 Probably damaging 1.000 26.8 17:23
c.1165G>A p.Gly389Arg AGS848 (2;1) AGS/SP/CNP Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.88 Benign 0.108 5.325 01:23
c.1178A>T p.Asp393Val AGS626 (de novo) NR Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) Novel Deleterious 0.01 Probably damaging 0.998 28.6 16:23
c.1178A>C p.Asp393Ala AGS2586 (de novo) AGS Yes No Novel Deleterious 0.03 Possibly damaging 0.913 24.8 12:23
c.1331A>G p.Glu444Gly AGS2669 (de novo) AGS Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1 31 23.23
c.1347C>G p.Asn449Lys AGS1001 (de novo) SP Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.64 Benign 0.163 13.91 03:23
c.1465G>A p.Ala489Thr AGS755 (3;0)a CLL/AGS-SMS/SMS Yes Yes (Bursztejn et al., 2015) Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 32 21:23
c.1483G>A p.Gly495Arg AGS524 (2;0)a SP-LLD/SP Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) Novel Deleterious 0.01 Probably damaging 0.982 23.3 14:23
c.1747A>G p.Ile583Val AGS2369 (de novo) AGS Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.48 Benign 0.00 0.573 5.23
c.2156C>T p.Ala719Val Hm_1 (de novo) AGS Yes No Novel Tolerated 0.07 Possibly damaging 0.949 27.1 09:23
c.2159G>A p.Arg720Gln AGS102 (de novo); AGS647 (de novo); AGS1504 (de novo); AGS2422 (NPDT); AGS2548 (de novo); LD_0982.0 (de novo) AGS; SP Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 0.992 34 17:23
c.2317G>C p.Glu773Gln AGS2399 (de novo) NR NA Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.27 Possibly damaging 0.743 24.8 13:23
c.2335C>T p.Arg779Cys AGS376 (NPDT); AGS723 (NPDT);
AGS1004 (de novo); AGS1156 (de novo); AGS2154 (1;1); AGS2180 (de novo); AGS2507 (de novo); LD_1030.0 (de novo)
NR; unilateral white matter disease/CNP; AGS
Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) Novel Deleterious 0.01 Probably damaging 1.000 34 21:23
c.2336G>A p.Arg779His AGS163 (de novo); AGS259 (3;2); AGS1351 (de novo); AGS1509 (de novo); AGS2177 (1;2); Berg_1 (de novo); Orc_0098 (de novo); LD_1199.0 (de novo); LD_1381 (3;1); LD_1585.0 (de novo) AGS; CNP; NR; SP Yes Yes (Rice et al., 2014) 1/244230 Tolerated 0.05 Probably damaging 0.994 28.9 19:23
c.2336G>T p.Arg779Leu LD_1067.0 (de novo) AGS Yes No Novel Tolerated 0.06 Probably damaging 1.000 35 21:23
c.2342G>A p.Gly781Glu LD_0940.0 (de novo); LD_0943.0 (de novo) NR; SP Yes No Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 32 19:23
c.2404A>G p.Asn802Asp AGS2662 (de novo) NR Yes No Novel Tolerated 0.22 Probably damaging 1.000 28.1 18:23
c.2407A>T p.Ile803Phe LD_1488.0 (de novo) AGS Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.24 Benign 0.043 11.8 04:23
c.2465G>A p.Arg822Gln AGS1514 (de novo) SD-ICC Yes Yes (Rutsch et al., 2015) 6/244096 Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 35 23:23
c.2471G>A p.Arg824Lys AGS735 (de novo); AGS2222 (de novo) NR; Isolated liver disease Yes No Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 34 22:23
c.2486C>G p.Thr829Ser AGS1290 (2 siblings and NPDT) AGS Yes No Novel Tolerated 0.73 Possibly damaging 0.512 16.61 12:23
c.2544T>G p.Asp848Glu AGS531 (3;2) SP-ICC/CNP Yes Yes (Ruaud et al., 2018) Novel Tolerated 0.4 Benign 0.004 10.08 02:23
c.2561T>A p.Met854Lys AGS2081 (de novo) AGS/SMS Yes No Novel Deleterious 0 Probably damaging 1.000 31 18:23
c.2866A>G p.Ile956Val AGS1430 (2;1) SP-ICC/CNP Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Tolerated 0.77 Benign 0.004 3.576 06:23
c.2936T>G p.Leu979Trp LD_1346.0 (de novo) AGS Yes Yes (this paper) Novel Deleterious 0.01 Probably damaging 1.000 26.6 16:23

Note: IFIH1 mutation annotation based on the reference complementary DNA sequence NM_022168.2.

Abbreviations: AGS, Aicardi–Goutières syndrome; CLL, Chilblain-like lesions; CNP, clinical nonpenetrance; ICC, Intracranial calcification; LLD, Lupus-like disease; NPDT, no parental DNA testing; NR, neuro-regression; SD, spastic dystonia; SP, spastic paraparesis; SMS, Singleton Merten syndrome.


This mutation was shown to have been paternally inherited by the proband and to have occurred de novo in the proband’s father.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure