Table 2.
Transcription factors (TF) that interact with R-SMADs to regulate developmental processes.
TF | Signal | SMAD | Cell Context | Target genes | Process (species) |
Oct4 | BMP | SMAD1 | ES cells | Sox2, Nanog, Oct4 | Pluripotency (m) |
Oct4 | Nodal | SMAD2 | Epiblast ES cells | Sox2, Nanog, Oct4 | Pluripotency (h,m) |
FOXH1 | Nodal | SMAD2/3 | ES cells | Bra/T, Gsc, Mixl1 | Mesendoderm formation (h,m) |
EOMES | Nodal | SMAD2/3 | Mesendoderm progenitors | Sox17, Fzd8, Cer, Foxa2 | Endoderm specification (h,m) |
BRA/T | BMP | SMAD1/5 | Mesendoderm progenitors | Cdx2, Cbr, Tbx6 | Mesoderm specification (h) |
ZFP423 | BMP | SMAD1/5 | Mesoderm progenitors | Xvent2 | Ventral mesoderm specification (x) |
GATA1/2 | BMP | SMAD1/5 | Erythroid progenitors | Hemgn | Erythroid differentiation (h) |
C/EBPα | BMP | SMAD2/3 | Myeloid progenitors | Cxcr4 | Myeloid differentiation (h) |
MYOD1 | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Myogenic progenitors | Adora1 | Myoblast differentiation (m) |
PU.1 | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Pro-B cells | Vpreb2 | B-cell differentiation (m) |
RUNX3 | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | B cells | Ig locus | Immunoglobulin class switching (m) |
STAT5* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Naïve CD4+ T cells | Foxp3 | Treg cell differentiation (m) |
RORγt | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Naïve CD4+ T cells | IL-17, IL-23R | TH17 cell differentiation (m) |
ATF1 | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | CD8+ T cells | Prf1, GzmB | CTL inhibition (m) |
NFkB* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Osteoclast precursors | Nfatc1 | Osteoclast differentiation (m) |
DLX3 | BMP | SMAD1/5 | Hair follicle progenitors | Gata3 | Hair follicle development (m) |
? (RAS)* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | Snail | EMT (h,m) |
SNAIL | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | (Cdh1), (Klf5) | EMT (h,m) |
ATF3 | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | (Id1) | Differentiation (h) |
FOX1~3* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | Cdkn1a, Cdkn2b | Cell cycle inhibition (h,m) |
E2F4/5* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | (Myc) | Cell cycle inhibition (h) |
AP1* | TGF-β | SMAD2/3 | Epithelial progenitors | SerpinE1 | Extracellular matrix modulation (h) |
TFs include LDTFs and
SDTFs. Target genes in parenthesis are repressed. EMT, epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Examples are from human (h) and mouse (m). .