Figure 2.
The mean ± SEM of mean reaction time (A) and attentional failures (B) on the aPVT, KSS (C), P4/E2 ratio (D), and core body temperature (E) for women in the follicular (closed circles) and luteal phase (open circles) of the menstrual cycle during the CR. Corresponding clock times are reported relative to scheduled wake. Time = 0 relative to scheduled wake was defined as 0700 h based on the group mean (mean ± SD: 0704 ± 0108 h) for illustrative purposes. Vertical dotted lines represent the CBT minimum at 0430 h based on the group mean (mean ± SD: 0418 ± 0140 h). Significant false discovery rate (FDR) corrected post hoc t-tests are denoted by gray bars above time points that were significant. Unadjusted data are plotted.