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. 2020 Aug 31;20:1319. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09430-w

Table 1.

Child and caregiver descriptive characteristics (n = 206)

Characteristic Frequency (%)
Age (months)
  6 to 24 54 (26.2)
  25 to 59 152 (73.8)
Health facility type
  Public health facility 142 (68.9)
  NGO health facility 64 (31.1)
Current ART regimen
  ABC + 3TC + LPV/r 124 (60.2)
  Other ABC-based regimena 50 (24.3)
  Other AZT-based regimenb 32 (15.5)
Duration on ART (months)
  Median (IQR) 18.5 (20.7)
Most recent viral load
   < 1000 copies/ml 72 (34.9)
   ≥ 1000 copies/ml 57 (27.7))
  Missing 77 (37.4)
Age (years)
  18 to 24 41 (19.9)
  25 to 34 99 (48.1)
  35 to 44 44 (21.3)
  45 to 70 22 (10.7)
Highest education level attained
  None 19 (9.2)
  Primary schoolc 90 (43.7)
  Higherd 97 (47.1)
Marital status
  Never married 28 (13.6)
  Living with partner but not married 124 (60.2)
  Married 10 (4.8)
  Divorced/Separated 35 (17.0)
  Widow/Widower 9 (4.4)
  Rural 128 (62.1)
  Urban 78 (37.9)
Monthly income (Uganda shillings)
   < 130,000 93 (67.4)
   ≥ 130,000 45 (32.6)
HIV Status
  Positive 163 (79.1)
  Negative 40 (19.4)
  Didn’t Know 3 (1.5)
Living with HIV and on ART (n = 163)
  Yes 161 (98.8)
  No 2 (1.2)
Relation to the child
  Biological parent 152 (73.8)
  Other blood relative 17 (8.2)
  Non-blood relation 37 (18.0)
Alcohol use in the last 30 days
  Never 192 (93.2)
  Ever used 14 (6.8)

a ABC + 3TC + EFV, ABC + 3TC + NVP

b AZT + 3TC + LPV/r, AZT + 3TC + NVP, AZT + 3TC + EFV

c Primary school is equivalent to about 7 years of formal education

d Higher: Secondary school (6 years) or tertiary education