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[Preprint]. 2020 Aug 27:2020.08.24.20181123. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2020.08.24.20181123

Figure 1:

Figure 1:

Life Changes Subtype profiles from adult self-reports and parent reports. Mean normalized profile loadings are displayed on the y-axis. US subtypes in solid lines, UK in dashed lines. Adult Subtypes: Purple (1): low stress, Blue (2): social/interpersonal stress, Orange (3): economic stress. Parent-Report Subtypes: Purple (1): low stress, Blue (2): social stress, Orange (3): social/economic stress Notes: Δ Family Relationships and Δ Friends Relationships are coded so that higher scores indicate worsening relationship quality of. Prior to the community detection analyses In-Person Conversation was re-coded into tertiles.