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. 2020 Sep;146:102277. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2018.08.003

Table 6.

Open defecation density predicts the body mass of mothers.

Dependent variable: Mother's BMI
India −2.057∗∗∗
ln(OD density) −0.351∗∗∗
mother's height −0.0600∗∗∗
months since last birth −0.00545∗∗∗
currently pregnant 0.791∗∗∗
currently breastfeeding −0.435∗∗∗
sub-national region FEs
asset indicators
extended BMI controls
constant 22.42∗∗∗
n (child-mothers) 168,632 168,632 168,632 168,632 168,628

Note: Observations are children in the main height sample, even though the dependent variable is the Body Mass Index (BMI) of their mother. Standard errors are clustered by survey PSU in parentheses. †p < 0.10; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. Region fixed effects are 288 fixed effects for DHS sub-national regions (v024). Asset indicators are fixed effects for the count (0–5) of assets, summarized in Table 1. The extended BMI controls are fixed effects indictors, each interacted with an indicator for India, for: sibsize at the time of the survey (6 × 2 categories), the mother's age in years at the time of the measurement (35 × 2 categories), and whether the mother is literate (2 × 2 categories). For discussion of these predictors of maternal BMI in India and SSA, see Coffey (2015).