UV crosslinking of Pam K208amb, K278amb, K309amb, K341amb, K395amb, and K382amb mutants expressed by pyrrolysine-based amber suppression with pBPa in ΔpamA N. meningitidis. Bacteria that grew on one-fourth of a GC agar plate in the presence of 1 mM pBPa were crosslinked by UV light irradiation for 2 hours and then the PamA K(pBPa)-His6 protein was purified. An aliquot was analyzed by anti-His6 mAb. The black arrow shows the full-length PamA K-amb protein expressed by pyrrolysine-based amber suppression with pBPa, and the gray arrow indicates protein complexes crosslinked between PamA K(pBPa) and unidentified endogenous proteins in N. meningitidis.