Fig. 9.
Clinical example of a patient with a heart-shaped face treated with Harmonyca and Hydryalix ultradeep, deep, and gentle (hyaluronic acid filler of high, medium, and soft elasticity, respectively), using the AB face technique (structure and refinement). Hydryalix ultradeep was used in the middle third (1.25 mL): malar lateral (0.45 mL), malar prominence (0.4 mL), and zygoma medial (0.4 mL). Harmonyca was used in the lower third (3.75 mL): mental (0.6 mL), prejowl (0.6 mL), jawline (1.25 mL), and ramus (1.25 mL). Hydryalix deep, 1.25 mL, was used in the nasolabial and labiomental folds. Hydryalix gentle, 0.6 mL, was used in the nasojugal groove. Total volume used: 6.85 mL After the treament, with a more angular face shape.